6 Surveys Which Answer Most Questions About Sex In India - We gathered the most hottest studies from 2016-2017 to give you a total synopsis of how Indians respond to 'SEX'. A portion of the disclosures are quite amusing and others are straight up stunning. Each study had an alternate demographic so we aren't asserting the authenticity of it is possible that one yet as the renowned saying goes, all's reasonable in adoration, sex, and war.
Indian Women's Views On One Night Stands
India Today's Annual Sex Survey is a standout amongst the most trusted studies in India and the outcomes are included by a large portion of the real media houses since 2003. Their 2017 Sex Survey certainly didn't neglect to frustrate us.
They surveyed 2000 women, amongst which, about one-third said one night stands were perfectly alright. This survey also revealed that 5 percentage Indians were homosexuals and 4 percentage admitted to being 4 bisexual. 55 percent of the sexually active Indians were happy with their sex life. Which makes us wonder about the remaining 45 percent.
Fake It Till You Make It? Hell, no
Grazia HQ's 2017 sex survey revealed 43.21% of people who participated in that survey claimed that they would never cheat their partners into thinking that they climaxed. On the other hand, 11.11% fake an orgasm often.
Apparently , unlike sex, sweets and booze, the proliferation of internet connectivity seems to have had a largely positive effect said.
Experiment Or Stay Monotonous?
In 2012, the Global Sex Survey was conducted in India, 29,000 adults participated in the survey. Three in five claimed that they are open to experimenting and trying new things in bed. They also explained how they usually considered Google a source for the knowledge of these experiments.
Highly sexual couples aren't afraid to experiment with different positions, sex toys, places to have sex, and other things that make their sex life a proper Wonderland. So experiment, change positions, and be creative.
A survey done by iPass, an international company that sells WI-FI globally made people rank various items according to their importance. Wi-Fi was labelled most important by 40.2% of respondents, followed by sex (36.6%), chocolate (14.3%) and alcohol, which was ranked as the number one daily essential by 8.9% of respondents, International Business Times reported.
Would You Rather
Indian Women's Views On One Night Stands
India Today's Annual Sex Survey is a standout amongst the most trusted studies in India and the outcomes are included by a large portion of the real media houses since 2003. Their 2017 Sex Survey certainly didn't neglect to frustrate us.
They surveyed 2000 women, amongst which, about one-third said one night stands were perfectly alright. This survey also revealed that 5 percentage Indians were homosexuals and 4 percentage admitted to being 4 bisexual. 55 percent of the sexually active Indians were happy with their sex life. Which makes us wonder about the remaining 45 percent.
Fake It Till You Make It? Hell, no
Grazia HQ's 2017 sex survey revealed 43.21% of people who participated in that survey claimed that they would never cheat their partners into thinking that they climaxed. On the other hand, 11.11% fake an orgasm often.
Apparently , unlike sex, sweets and booze, the proliferation of internet connectivity seems to have had a largely positive effect said.
In 2012, the Global Sex Survey was conducted in India, 29,000 adults participated in the survey. Three in five claimed that they are open to experimenting and trying new things in bed. They also explained how they usually considered Google a source for the knowledge of these experiments.
Highly sexual couples aren't afraid to experiment with different positions, sex toys, places to have sex, and other things that make their sex life a proper Wonderland. So experiment, change positions, and be creative.
A survey done by iPass, an international company that sells WI-FI globally made people rank various items according to their importance. Wi-Fi was labelled most important by 40.2% of respondents, followed by sex (36.6%), chocolate (14.3%) and alcohol, which was ranked as the number one daily essential by 8.9% of respondents, International Business Times reported.
Would You Rather
DrEd.com did a unique survey by asking around 2000 sexually active people a weird series of ‘Would you rather' questions. If you thought that it was an infamous sexual game during your night-outs then check out how they used it with an educational approach.
You aren't alone, our jaws are on the floor as well.So experiment, change positions, and be creative.
Does Gay Mean Happy In Bed?
A survey taken by Pink Pages exclusively for gay people sure lived up to the sexpectations we have from gays of being totally liberated and wild when it comes to sex. In the survey, 510 Indian gay and bisexual men participated from various cities across India. More than half the respondents have been sexually active even before they turned 18
You aren't alone, our jaws are on the floor as well.So experiment, change positions, and be creative.
Does Gay Mean Happy In Bed?
A survey taken by Pink Pages exclusively for gay people sure lived up to the sexpectations we have from gays of being totally liberated and wild when it comes to sex. In the survey, 510 Indian gay and bisexual men participated from various cities across India. More than half the respondents have been sexually active even before they turned 18
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